assume it is for my wife, assume it is for me and snicker behind their hands, if it gives them pleasure to do so and it just doesn't make any difference to me. I am neither ashamed or embarrassed of what I am. I don't want it to appear that I flagrantly do as I please with no regard to myself or the other people around me but I don't see any reason to make excuses or invent fictional persons.
Sincerely, Mildred
Dear Virginia,
We have corresponded briefly back in 1967 at which time I was not married. Later you wrote another note which I answered a little more fully and ordered one magazine. Now, I'd like to become a subscriber and have my husband put on the waiting list to join the "club." The only reason he does not write for himself is that somehow he never gets around to writing to anyone or for anything. Believe me, he is intensely interested.
He is a transvestite and has been virtually all his life. He cannot re- member a time when he was not. He can't even remember the first time he was "dressed” as a child.
We were fortunate enough to both hear you on the radio with Alan Douglas and then see you on his show later on television. May I say you are terrific! We both expected you to be an exceptional person but you far exceeded our expectations. We thought of trying to meet you in person but realized you couldn't until Ron is "cleared" and investigated. I hope we can meet the next time you come to Ohio. You answered so many questions for me that I did not realize I didn't know! It's not just that I was ignorant, I had been worried, too. Now, my mind is much more at ease. For this reason, I am going to order "The Transvestite and His Wife" after all.
Perhaps you would be interested to know a little of our history together. When I met Ron he was already engaged to my younger sister. He had told her in confidence about being a transvestite and she had told me. She could not reconcile herself to it and wanted him to stop. They were close to breaking up when we met. He did not know that I knew about him for some time. We were almost immediately attracted to each other and flirted quite a lot even though he was "taken". My sister finally told him of my knowing about him and they broke up and we started dating. In- stead of trying to stop his dressing, I encouraged him in it and tried to make him feel less guilty. I took the first photo of him-taught him to apply makeup and how to walk in high heels. We got him a wig and some clothes that fit better and named his girlself Veronica. It was because of